About Us
We are a non-profitable Bangladesh-Gopalgonj-based organization providing support to women-children all around Kotalipara
33 Years in Action
Rural Development Society (RDS) is a local non governmental NGO. It was established in July, 1986 with the initiation of a group of educated like minded social workers with an aim to promote the socio-economic and cultural status of the rural poor and vulnerable people, emphasising the women and children through conscientization, capacity building, institution building, capital formation, and imparting felt-need based problem solving programs by adopting modern scientific technologies in a view to reduced poverty and empowerment of rural women in decision making processes. RDS believes in non-directive, bottom up, participatory and integrated development frameworks and acts as a catalyst with its beneficiaries.
Our Plan
All donations will go to support 5 main problems: food, education, health, Training, Water Supply & Sanitation. Our project is working with troubled women in Kotwalipara more than 33 years and we’ve achieved great successes in limited afford
- 30% of funds go to food
- 23% for Health Services
- 20% for Education and ICT Training
- 15% for medical care
- 15% for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation.
Our Mission
We are accepting donations of any size. Donating $1 of your monthly income won’t hurt you but will serve a great job for these these disadvantagedc
To established the poor and vulnerable people, especially the women and children in the society through making them aware, capable, self-reliant, and self-initiators through building capacity, institutions, capital, utilization of local resources and imparting felt-need based problem solving programs involving necessary skilled, trained, experienced and qualified personnel.